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Comfy bed by the nightstand in Capital Junior Suite at The Capital Hotel, Apartments & Townhouse - London
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Warwick Hotels and Resorts Accessibility Statement

Warwick Hotels and Resorts is striving to make its web content accessibility friendly.

We are committed to improving the accessibility and usability of our website consistent with the industry standards and guidelines as well as any legal requirements that may apply.

Our ultimate goal is for every guest, including a guest with a disability, visiting our site to have a positive user experience. We believe our guests should have a choice in how they engage with our content by applying best practices as set forth by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. 

We have taken steps to implement assistive technologies for our guests who have impaired typing, gesturing, moving a mouse or reading or hearing.  We incorporate tools such as mouse and keyboard replacements, voice recognition, speech enablement, screen readers and much more that empower our guests to overcome their challenges and access the Warwick Hotels and Resorts website with ease.

We also very much welcome your feedback and encourage our guests to provide comments to or calling us at 303 318-7277.

If you experience any difficulty in accessing the Warwick Hotels and Resorts site, please call us at 303 318-7277 or email us at